Sunday, August 8, 2010

Factors Used by Translation Services in Determining Costs

You have made the decision to utilize a translation services firm and now you are wondering about the cost. All firms will use almost the same factors in arriving at a cost of providing the service to you. You should get a quote for your service before it is performed. Many of the firms want partial payment upfront with the balance paid when the product is delivered. The factors used in determining your costs include the following items.

One of the most important factors (if not the most important) is the number of source words. The source language is the language of the original document and the target language is the language into which the original document is being translated. It is not very surprising that the number of words is a major factor in determining the cost. It is only common sense that a larger document will cost more than a smaller document.

Another aspect in calculating the cost is the challenging nature of the translation. The more complex a document is the more it will cost per word. This again should not come as a surprise. An extremely challenging document will cause the translator to do research and call on his or her specialized knowledge. The complexity of the translation will also cause the translator to use much more creative writing skills. Any document with no technical terms will be priced lower than any document with technical terms like a technical manual or complex legal contract. A personal letter will be priced at the lowest price and the more complex, technical text will be priced higher.

Language combinations or pairs are factors used in determining the cost. European languages are the most affordable while translations involving the more obscure or complex languages are higher. The availability of professional translators who are highly skilled in a given language also contributes to the cost in this area.

Deadlines are also important in determining the cost. If you are in a hurry and want the document yesterday, you can expect to pay 30% to 50% more for the service. The timing of the project is one of the considerations that should be thoroughly discussed before the project is ever started. Adequate planning on your part will help with this problem. Not only does a rush job cost more, it may contribute to a less than adequate document because of rushing the translator.

Once you have gotten a quote for your project and made your choice of the service provider, you should provide as much information as possible to the translating services firm before they begin your project. Make sure you provide the cleanest documents possible to be translated. A poor quality document creates many problems for the translator and may affect the outcome of your documents. Also, be sure to communicate well during the process and be available to clarify your needs to ensure you get what you are paying for.